Frequently Asked Questions to the Author

What inspired you to write Kali and Sida – Finding Home?

I am half-Filipino and half-Italian. My Dad was born on the island of Mindoro where the tamaraws live. I have visited Mindoro numerous times and learned about the tamaraw, which is indigenous to that island. Our extended family even named their BPO company – Tamaraw Technohub, as a recognition of the exclusive habitat of tamaraws in the provinces of Oriental and Occidental Mindoro.

I have always been a conscious and strong supporter of animal rights, especially endangered animals. I have always advocated for more awareness of how humans are impacting the environment around us, especially encroaching on the habitats of animals.

The inspiration for the book came together after my Dad came back from the Philippines and brought me back a tarsier stuffed animal when he visited Bohol and the Tarsier Conservation site. I found the Tarsier remarkably interesting and unbelievably cute and cuddly.

I started exploring the idea with my Dad about writing a children’s book with two of the most endangered animals on the planet as its main characters – the Tamaraw and the Tarsier. The contrast in their physical stature – with one being small and slow while the other is large and strong, and both endangered, I find very interesting.

How did you come up with the storyline?

I wanted to write a story that has life lessons for kids to learn. The Tamaraw and the Tarsier is a story about courage, teamwork and friendship. I researched each animal and learned about the qualities that made each one unique including their strengths and weaknesses and incorporated those traits throughout the story.

I was also aiming for a story that would show how two of the most unlikely
animals with total contrasting characteristics, can come together for a common
cause and end up relying on each other to achieve their goals.

By writing the book, I was also hoping to create awareness on the plight of the Tamaraws and the Tarsiers which are not very well-known endangered animals globally.

How long did it take you to write The Tamaraw and The Tarsier?

It took me approximately 6 months to write the book and I used the time at home during the Covid19 pandemic to publish the book. My Mom, Dad and aunt helped a lot in guiding me when I was developing the storyline and also editing the book throughout the process.

What is the target age group of the book?

The book’s target age group is between 5-8 years old, but the story is universal and can be interesting for kids of all ages.

How will the book help the conservation of the tamaraws and the tarsiers?

I am hoping to donate a portion of the book earnings to organizations that promote the education and conservation of the two animals – the tamaraw and the tarsier. My wish is to increase awareness which will in turn, help protect the population of these two animals to the point that they are removed from the endangered species list.

What would you like the young readers to get out of your book?

First of all, I hope they find Kali and Sida cute and adorable because I absolutely love their characters. I hope that young readers can learn from the storyline that just because people are different, it does not mean they cannot have things in common and can still develop a friendship. I also hope that young readers will learn the value of teamwork and appreciate both characters’ contrasting strengths and weaknesses. Finally, I hope that I was able to convey the power of courage and the ability to pursue one’s goals even though the task at hand may be intimidating or scary.

How did you get the funding to publish the book?

I had some money saved up from all the birthdays and Christmas gifts I received ever since I was young. While I was writing the book, I also started my first parttime job while going to school, so I used the money that I earned and saved to pay for the publishing of the book. Together with my Dad, we decided to selfpublish the book so that I can also learn how to do it. It was definitely a learning experience.

How old were you when you wrote the book?

It was in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic and I just turned 16 years old when I wrote and published the book.

Did you draw any of the illustrations on the book?

I love sketching and drawing. My family can tell stories of my drawings ending up all over our house. I did some of the original illustrations in the book, on how I originally envisioned Kali and Sida interacting with each other. I also did the original illustration of the cover page and then worked with an amazing professional illustrator to layout the pages on the book.

Are you planning to write a second book?

There are no current plans, but I am always open to it if the right opportunity and inspiration comes along.